Memoirs of Fls'Zen

Friday, April 07, 2006

Dosbox 0.65 Intel Mac

Ok, first of all you will need to get SDL compiled and installed for intel.
You can get it from Unpack it and go there in terminal.
1. Run "./configure" first.
2. We have to modify a makefile to get it to compile properly. So go to the src directory and edit Makefile. You'll find a line with "-no-undefined" on it. Remove it.
3. Go back to the main directory and run "make".
4. If there are no errors run "sudo make install".

Sweet. Ok, now get the dosbox source from
1. Unapck it.
2. Run "./configure --disable-dymanic-x86 --enable-core-inline". (Dynamic x86 causes error. By breifly reading the docs, it looks like it is really only used for emulation.) (Enable core inline may speed up emulation a bit.)
2.5. If you want a faster executable try the following instead: './configure -disable-dynamic-x86 --enable-core-inline CFLAGS="-O3 -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -funswitch-loops" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -funswitch-loops"'.
3. Run "make"
4. In the src directory, there is now the executable "dosbox". You're all set.
5. Do "sudo make install" to install it to the default /usr/local/bin location. (Unless you specified something else in configure.)

This is brought to you by my addiction to egatrek.


  • Doesn't work. Though SDL is installed correctly, the DosBox "configure"-script keeps complaining about not being able to find sdl-config.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7/16/2006 11:07 PM  

  • Assuming sdl-config does exist in /usr/local/bin, your path probably does not include /usr/local/bin. The easiest solution is to add the option "--with-sdl-prefix=/usr/local" to tell configure to search in /usr/local for the sdl-config binary.

    Alternatively, you can add /usr/local/bin to your path by executing "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin" and possibly "export PATH" depending on your shell.

    By Blogger James Hood, At 7/16/2006 11:51 PM  

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